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Australia-New Zealand mobile fleet integration delivers risk and cost benefits

29 Jun 2020

Integrating trans-Tasman mobile fleets makes sense for end users and IT teams, and delivers risk minimisation and cost efficiencies. 


It has only been in recent times that the practical logistics of managing a trans-Tasman fleet has been viable.

The rise of cloud-based EMM has enabled devices to be remote managed regardless of physical location. At the same time, Telstra Global has struck alliances with New Zealand carriers which has made possible one Telstra bill for all expenditure. 


Almost like another State ... but don't tell the Kiwi's that

There are many factors at play that make consolidation of Australia and New Zealand corporate mobile fleets a more practical move than in the past, says  MobileCorp sales director, Gavin Lo. 

There is now little difference between managing a trans-Tasman fleet than there is in managing an Australian-wide fleet, he says.

"The two countries share a commonality of language, business culture, financial infrastructure and telecommunications standards.

"Even the time difference between the two nations is minimal, and actually no greater that it is between the East and West coasts of Australia."

Single source of truth for trans-Tasman mobility 

A key benefit of regional mobility management is having one single point of contact and a single data source for all fleet management operational tasks and end user support across the region.  

Another key benefit is consistent governance and application of corporate policy across the fleet. This can have financial advantages in managing consumption and asset inventory. It can have risk minimisation benefits by ensuring employees are following security and device use policies. 




Single EMM environment for device management and security

The rise of Enterprise Mobility Management cloud-based environments means all devices across the region are able to be remote managed to enforce mobile security, application, and policy compliance says Lo.

Having an 'umbrella' EMM solution is a significant benefit because it minimises risk exposure through security management and protects end user productivity through application management.

Utilising a single EMM instance for all devices across Australia and New Zealand can enable

  • zero touch device deployment for an out-of-the-box onboarding experience
  • device profile build 
  • device enrolment visibility 
  • operating system updates 
  • remote security management including enforcing password protection or multi-factor authentication, security patches, device lock or wipe, and mobile threat defence to protect end users
  • remote application management including pushing new apps, updating apps, blocking apps
  • device kiosk mode to enforce specific end user behaviour

"In most cases our customers with trans-Tasman fleets will have MobileCorp manage their devices through an EMM environment. This enables devices to be updated over the air and keeps the fleet compliant with security and productivity benchmarks."


Single point of contact for end user service and support

  • One number for all administrators and end users.
  • One single portal for procurement and service requests.
  • No more tying up valuable internal resources managing carrier and device issues

MobileCorp provides a regional support service desk and a tracked ticketing system that allows end users and administrators to monitor the status of their requests no matter their physical location. 

MobileCorp takes over the time-consuming workload involved in liaison with multiple carriers to action and resolve service requests. These may include new device procurement, new connections and disconnections, plan changes, roaming, connectivity issues, billing issues, repair and end of life management. 


Aus-NZ mobile fleet management blog


One single integrated monthly carrier bill

The negotiation of an alliance between Telstra Global and New Zealand carriers has led to integrated cross-carrier billing.  New Zealand expenditure can be converted to AUD$ and then billed by Telstra on the parent company's Australian Telstra account.

As a Telstra Global partner, MobileCorp also has access to New Zealand billing data to provide telecom expense management across the trans-Tasman fleet. MobileCorp's TEMS Pro solution provides visibility of all the assets in the fleet, as well as ownership and expenditure. TEMS Pro undertakes carrier bill auditing, usage analytics and fleet optimisation recommendations.

"There are cost efficiencies in having all services billed through a single account. It also allows telecom expense management to be applied consistently. Finance managers can be confident that international bills are audited for accuracy, and cost saving opportunities are identified."

Speak to MobileCorp about your trans-Tasman mobile fleet


Gavin 800x800Gavin Lo

Email:  gavin@mobilecorp.com.au

Mob: 0408 242 526 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinlo/


About MobileCorp

MobileCorp is an enterprise ICT solutions company with a mission to deliver our customers a communications technology edge. At MobileCorp we believe in being at the forefront of ICT technology shifts so that we can bring trusted insights and innovative solutions to our customers.

We provide Managed Mobility ServicesEnterprise Mobility ManagementComplex Data and IP Networks, and Unified Communication solutions. We have a proven track record providing managed services for Australian enterprise and business, and are a Telstra Platinum Partner.

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