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What is the MobileCorp Essential 8

We offer a 12-month Audit-as-a-Service product which provides quarterly audits of the Essential 8 controls to benchmark, then track remediation progress towards improving your ACSC maturity level ranking.

We use enterprise-grade proprietary software to audit your environment against the Essential 8 controls.

Receive an easy-to-understand series of four reports which analyse the gaps and non-compliance incidences.

These allow you to understand your vulnerabilities and to plan your remediation path.

  • Pinpoints your E8 vulnerabilities
  • Benchmarks your ACSC Maturity Level ranking
  • Allows you to plan out your E8 remediation roadmap

E8 Audit as-a-Service Inclusions

Implementation and Onboarding


" I want simple set-up, fast onboarding, and my data to stay in my environment."

We include installation of the Auditing software, configuration, and integration with your existing data sources. None of your data will ever leave your environment.

Onboarding icon

Visibility and Gap Analysis


“I need to have visibility of my cyber security risk at all times."
Receive an Audit report providing full visibility of your E8 security posture.  Also receive a ‘vulnerabilities gap analysis’ and remediation recommendations.

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Monthly Managed Audit


“I don't have time for running audits. I just need results so that I can take action.”

Audit reporting gives you an overview of your security posture at a glance. Provides an actionable roadmap for your IT team.

audit checklist

Monthly E8 Maturity Ranking


“I need to protect my business and get up to Maturity Level 3 fast.”

Benchmark of your E8 Maturity Level 0-3. Then follow up with an audit every three months providing evidential and historical performance data for compliance and governance purposes.


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Measure your E8 compliance

Your Audit report is all you will need to understand your E8 risk profile and plan a remediation roadmap.

  • Summary Visibility of your Essential 8 compliance at-a-glance for business and IT leaders
  • Detailed Gap Analysis Report for remediation activity.
  • Compliance Report to meet your governance requirement
  • Your audit reports presented by your MobileCorp account manager
  • Benchmarked maturity ranking Level 0-3 against the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8 controls
  • No data privacy concerns. All data remains stored in your organisation’s environment.
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Essential 8 Audit as-a-Service Benefits

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Do you need Essential 8 Audit as-a-Service?

Let's find out. 

  • Do you know your ACSC Essential 8 Maturity Level?
  • Are you confident that your Essential 8 controls are being managed consistently and effectively?
  • Do you need independent oversight of your Essential 8 compliance and an independent analysis of your risk profile?
  • Is the worry of a cyber security breach keeping you awake at night?

If you are looking for an affordable solution which gives you the answers to these questions...

  Complete the form or
  Contact Dave Moy
  e. dave.moy@mobilecorp.comlau
  m. 0459 972 6754

Do you know your ACSC E8 Maturity Level?

When implementing the Essential Eight, organisations should identify and plan for a target maturity level suitable for their environment.

Organisations should then progressively implement each maturity level to uplift their security posture.

It is worth noting that the Federal Government has mandated Level 2 compliance for most Government agencies and recommended Level 2 as a minimum for tertiary education providers.

E8 Maturity Level 0
E8 Maturity Level 1
E8 Maturity Level 2
E8 Maturity Level 3

What are the Essential 8 controls?

The Essential 8 is a series of baseline cyber security controls that the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recommends all Australian organisations adopt.

The E8 is already mandatory for many Australian government non-corporate entities and there is a move to increase this compliance requirement across all local government councils, government agencies, critical infrastructure and tertiary education providers.

The Essential 8 framework breaks the cybersecurity threat landscape into eight fundamental bite-sized tasks which can be managed with MobileCorp's ACSC-aligned managed Audit and Remediation services.

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E8 controls 5-8
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Speak to our MobileCorp Representative

To get started with a technology solution, call us on 1800 243 252

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