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RSPCA NSW secures and optimises mobile endpoint management

12 Oct 2022


RSPCA NSW has secured and simplified its mobile endpoint management by outsourcing operational tasks to MobileCorp. With MobileCorp as the single point of contact for all mobility management, the RSPCA NSW IT team is freed to manage core business. In addition, a VMware-powered EMM instance secures and manages corporate devices in the field. A new Telecom Expense Management platform delivers 'peace of mind' Telstra bill auditing and an optimised fleet.

RSPCA NSW is a not-for-profit organisation that cares for, treats, protects and re-homes animals across the state.

It runs six shelters and three veterinary hospitals dedicated to treating, rehabilitating and re-homing animals.

Over 30 inspectors are in the field investigating instances of alleged animal cruelty and a call centre lodges 14,425 reports each year. 

26 volunteer branches run fundraising events and assist with local microchipping and desexing drives in lower income communities.

Along with cats and dogs, RSPCA NSW helps a wide range of other animals, from horses to rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, goats and sheep.

Sites: 35
End Users: 200

"We need to partner with someone who is responsive.

It is important for RSPCA to work with someone who we can speak to directly for day-to-day tasks,

but who will also help in simplifying the process of securing and managing our mobile fleet." 

Maria Aledia, IT Operations Manager, RSPCA NSW


The Challenge

With a team of 30 inspectors on the road, 26 volunteer-led branches, six rescue shelters and three vet hospitals, the RSPCA NSW IT team were spending hours onboarding new employees, providing mobile end user support, and making changes to Telstra services. RSPCA NSW were looking to outsource these day-to-day operational mobility management tasks.

The RSPCA NSW IT team were also responsible for telecom expenditure oversight and were utilising Telstra's self-service reporting tool, T-Analyst, to interrogate bills and compile reporting. This was a very manual and resource-heavy process which tied up a team member for periods at each month end.  

In order to free up their IT team, RSPCA NSW were interested in a Telecom Expense Management solution that would automate bill analysis and deliver custom reporting.

RSPCA NSW was also looking to secure and manage mobile devices in the field. They wanted to ensure that the 11 applications on their corporate devices were being updated regularly, and that iOS security patches were being universally applied. Finally, RSPCA NSW required the ability to secure the devices should they be lost or stolen. 

rspca nsw inspector


The Solution

MobileCorp provided RSPCA NSW with a solution which provided

  • MobileCorp's Managed Mobility service (MMS)
  • Telecom Expense Management (TEMS) PRO by MobileCorp
  • Telstra MDM (VMware Workspace ONE) instance

MobileCorp MMS relieves the RSPCA NSW IT team of all day-to-day operational mobile management and Telstra-related tasks including new connections and disconnections, change of ownership, roaming, device procurement, device repair, and the MobileCorp helpdesk.

MobileCorp TEMS Pro is a cloud-based, integrated, and automated expense management solution. It provides RSPCA NSW with comprehensive online asset management and bill interrogation; and on-demand reporting to analyse all aspects of their telecoms inventory, usage and expenditure.

T-MDM is Telstra's SaaS environment powered by VMware. The licenses were provided free-of-charge with RSPCA NSW's Telstra plan. MobileCorp designed and built the T-MDM instance, creating custom profiles, passcode and restriction policies, and rules around application management. 




The Outcomes

  • RSPCA IT team freed from mobility management tasks: All day-to-day operational tasks are now outsourced to MobileCorp who provide a dedicated service delivery team working to priority support SLAs. 
  • Peace of mind Telecom Expense management: All aspects of telecom expenditure are interrogated and optimised to reduce costs. Monthly reporting provides business insights around Telstra billing, tracks individual voice and data usage, delivers account-level trend analytics, and highlights redundant services and excess charges as opportunities for cost savings.
  • Secure corporate-owned devices: The custom VMware Workspace ONE profiles built by MobileCorp allow RSPCA NSW to push updates and patches to its corporate devices OTA. Apps can also be added or removed without retrieving the devices. All iOS devices are deployed with DEP enrolment, with a passcode and with restriction policy applied. The environment allows RSPCA NSW to lock a device or permanently wipe all corporate data from a device should it become compromised. 

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